Nelanka Tours

This Is The View Of A Waterfall You Need To See When You Visit Sri Lanka

If you want to see one of the best waterfalls in Sri Lanka. You came to the right place to discover the best and tallest waterfall in Sri Lanka and it is called Bambarakanda Falls.
This is the exposure you need to open your eyes to the nature of South Asia because this can open new mountains to see and you can climb during your adventures in Sri Lanka.

Why You Should Go To This Waterfall?

This is a must-see destination for tourists who are visiting Sri Lanka and the reasoning is because it is the tallest waterfall in the country.
This can be the best time to see the waterfall, especially in the spring because you can see the water flowing as well there are natural pools that you can clean yourself with before your
picnic on the amazing view of Sri Lanka.

The Reason Why It Is The Tallest Waterfall In Sri Lanka

I Have The One Reason For You.
“Is It Because Of The Water Levels?”
“No, it isn’t.”
Well, I can tell you that it is the tallest waterfall with the ranking of 299th tallest in the world but it is 1st in Sri Lanka

A Little Historic Background To This Waterfall

This waterfall has been originated from Kuda Oya and it is a part of a branch of the Walawe River.

This had begun from Sri Pada Mountain which is called Adam’s Peak and is a part of one of the mountains of Adam’s Peak.
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